In Peter's personal life, you have a heartbroken Liz Allen, who is too proud to show it as well as her brother, the aforementioned Molten Man, being in prison, which is no doubt affecting Mary Jane too. Mysterio is still running free after the one sent to prison was revealed to be another 'bot, Chameleon is still out there and Kraven is also still free to continue hunting after Spider-Man. The Venom symbiote is still loose somewhere in the New York sewer system. Tombstone is walking free (albeit being monitored now). Mark Allen, the Molten Man, is still not in control of his power-switch, and will likely continue to be blackmailed in to doing other people's bidding. Curt Connors has been blackmailed into leaving ESU by Miles Warren, leaving Warren to help nurture Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker's scientific skills. All is well, right? Well, Norman Osborn is believed dead by most of the cast and longtime childhood friend-turned-villain Eddie Brock is locked up, most likely in Ravencroft, along with John Jameson. The Spectacular Spider-Man ends with our hero triumphing over evil.An ending was scripted to have them overcome the infestation and Spider-Man, Eddie Brock, and Cletus Kasady making their way back to our Earth, but the series was canceled at that point. Similarly, Spider-Man Unlimited ends with Spider-Man lost in time, the symbiotes spawned from Venom and Carnage taking over the city, and everyone is apparently powerless to stop them.The remaining 5 episodes managed to turn it into a Bittersweet Ending as Spider-Man saves reality itself from being destroyed. These two episodes left many in a state of shock for hours. Even worse, when you realize that this means the real Mary Jane has been floating in the interdimensional portal all this time. MJ ends up disintegrating in Peter's arms. He manages to find her again, only for it to be revealed that both Hydro-Man and MJ are in fact clones, made from a process that hasn't been perfected yet. They are starting their honeymoon when Hydro-Man kidnaps MJ right under Peter's nose. Mary Jane and Peter had finally gotten married at the beginning of the season, after MJ had been lost down a inter dimensional portal and come back. Spider-Man: The Animated Series has an episode that shocked us with its combination of Downer Ending and Wham Episode.To top it all off, Ghost plans on blackmailing Tony when he gains control of the company and Tony can't do anything to Ghost because he made it so if anything happens to him, Tony's identity goes global. Afterwards, he sells the specs to Stane AND Hammer. In Iron Man: Armored Adventures, a HUGE one comes in "Ghost in the Machine" - Ghost steals the specs to the Iron Man armor AND finds out that Tony is Iron Man.Thanks to it being unexpectedly canceled, the Silver Surfer series ends with the Silver Surfer apparently dead and the universe destroyed.