This was followed by McVicker once again speculating on 12 May that the Source 2 update might be released within the next few days. Initial rumours were sparked in late March when creator of Valve News Network, Tyler McVicker on Twitch stream specifically stated that CS: GO Source 2 should be released within the next two months. He also stated that it was very much possibility for update to not come out this year at all, as many things are involved for port to transpire and working at home makes it difficult. He further says that a lot of work is required at the moment to make port possible, so do expect it before late 2020. In update, he specifically mentioned that CS: GO Source 2 is definitely happening but at the moment CS: GO code is clucterf * k. Answering their call, popular Counter - Strike insider who GO by name of Nors3 on Twitter, recently posted an update surrounding Source 2 port for CS: GO. Speculation about CS: GO porting over to Source 2, which has been doing rounds for more than a couple of months now, has failed to bear any results, but the CS: GO community still remains hopeful for update. Source 2 port speculations that started in late March this year have already been proven wrong twice. He further states that an update might come in late 2020 or maybe even next year. Nors3 reveals that CS: GO Source 2 is definitely going to happen.